星期二, 九月 25, 2007

China Calls for Stability in Myanmar as Monks Protest

By Ed Johnson and Allen T. Cheng

Sept. 25 (Bloomberg) -- China called for stability in Myanmar where the military junta faces the biggest street protests in almost 20 years, and said it won't interfere in the nation's affairs.
``As a friendly neighboring country of Myanmar, China hopes to see stability and economic development,'' Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu told reporters at a briefing in Beijing today. ``China adopts a policy of non-interference in the affairs of other countries.''
Buddhist monks and pro-democracy campaigners have staged more than a week of protests against the military, which took power in 1962, and are demanding the release of opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi. Monks led more than 20,000 people on a march in the former capital, Yangon, today, ignoring demands from the junta to stay out of politics, Agence France-Presse said.
China and India are the only countries with influence over Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, and must push the junta to show restraint, the Brussels-based International Crisis Group said in an e-mailed statement today.
``The regime has a long history of violent reactions to peaceful demonstrations,'' said Gareth Evans, the group's president. ``If serious loss of life is to be averted, those UN members with influence over the government are going to have to come together fast.''
Government troops killed more than 1,000 demonstrators on a single day in August 1988 to crush a pro-democracy uprising led by monks, the U.S. State Department said in a briefing note on its Web site.
China Veto
China and Russia, which have economic interests in Myanmar, in January vetoed a U.S.-sponsored resolution at the United Nations Security Council calling on the junta to hold talks with the opposition.
President George W. Bush will call for tougher action by the UN and announce new U.S. sanctions on the junta leaders, including restrictions on visas and financial transactions, in an address to the UN General Assembly in New York today, National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley said.
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations must support UN efforts to find a peaceful solution to Myanmar's political crisis, said the International Crisis Group, which aims to resolve conflicts.
Asean Member
Asean, which admitted Myanmar as a member in 1997 against the wishes of the U.S. and Europe, has been criticized by Western nations for not doing enough to induce democratic change there.
Singapore, which currently chairs the bloc, said in a statement yesterday it hopes the crisis will ``be resolved in a peaceful manner.''
Asean must send a ``clear and unequivocal message'' to the junta that a repeat of the 1988 ``bloodbath'' would be unacceptable, Lim Kit Siang, opposition leader in Malaysia's Parliament and a member of the Democratic Action Party, said in an e-mailed statement today.
Myanmar has been under international sanctions since 1990 when the army rejected the results of elections won by Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy. Demonstrations have intensified since the doubling of some fuel prices last month.
Suu Kyi, 61, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1990, has spent 11 years in detention since the elections and was last placed under arrest at her home in 2003.
The U.K., Germany and France yesterday backed opposition protests in Myanmar and the European Union called for ``real political reform'' there.
Myanmar's government has ignored previous demands by the U।S। and the UN to free more than 1,000 political prisoners and return the country of 47 million people to democracy.

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星期三, 九月 19, 2007


1、有次等公共汽车时,开过去一辆宝马,旁边一位高人对他身边的人说﹕"看,刚过去那辆就是IBM।" 2、我一朋友在联通实习,一天,一老头走近来,劈头盖脸就来句"给我办张移动卡,好吧?"然后我那朋友头也不抬的就来句﹕"师傅,有人来砸场子!" 3、同事去见客户,可能是紧张,一开口便是﹕"刘先生你好,请问你贵姓啊?"汗啊~~~~~~ 4、以前地理老师是个男的,特别暴力,谁一说话或走神上来就是一拳,但不打女生,有个新的女生不知道,还以为男女平等,有一次她上课偷着看漫画,被地理老师发现了,走到她面前来,还没任何表示,这女同学先吓的小脸煞白,高呼﹕非礼啊~我们地理老师瀑布汗~~~~~~ 5、我同学说﹕我搁的洗衣粉太多了。另外一个问﹕什么?你哥的媳妇儿太多了? 6、一日风大,自行车倒了一排,只听一同学边扶车边说﹕谁的奔驰压了我的宝马?!... 7、我以前打电话给男朋友他们宿舍,结果不是他接的,有点不好意思,就胡编了一个名字,说:"XX在么?想假装找错人就完了~~对方迟疑了一下,说﹕你等等啊,我给你叫去!我当时就晕菜了!赶紧吓的把电话挂了!后来问男朋友,他说他们对面宿舍一男生叫我编的那名字~~~~ 8、上次在国外,在街边看见一个做糕点卖的帅哥,我和朋友一边买一边说他像猫王,他听见我们在说他,就问我们说什么,我想了半天﹕"kingofmiaomiao(喵喵)" 9、宿舍女友与网友通上话了那头显然很兴奋:喂,我是王小亮,你猜我是谁?晕倒不起…… 10、从一个朋友那里学到一句话﹕送你十个字——有他妈多远,滚他妈多远~记得第一次他对我们一群人说这个时,就看到所有人都在下面颁指头数是不是十个字... 更牛的是,我拿这句话对n个朋友说过,基本90%以上都会迟疑片刻,口中默念或者手指头略动,然后一脸的笑意说,靠,还真的是十个字~屡试不爽啊,呵呵 强烈建议大家也试试,有效果的话也来通报一下 11、一日,班长通知星期六要做什么来着(那周事情多),完了我同桌猛摇我手臂﹕快,告诉我,星期六是礼拜几?... 12、我一女同事,特壮(有重量也有力量),经常在车间里做力气事,把一干男同胞比下去。一日,看见搬物没力的A君,并且轻巧巧地就把一箱货给搬走,边搬边笑A君太面,太弱。A君憋了三分钟憋了一句话﹕你们女的长得再胖,也必定有个男的可以把你们抱到床上去... 13、中学的时候,期中考试语文试卷,文言文翻译"苛政猛于虎也",偶翻译成"凶猛的苛捐杂税,比老师还要凶猛啊!"发现卷子来才发现汗啊!班主任画了个硕大的红圈,在"老师"两个字上! 那个题一共2分,扣了我5分! 14、停电了,我爸手机还充着点,他举着蜡烛找东西,我问他你找什么,他说怎么充电时的那个绿灯不见了? 15、呵呵,山大二院的病房楼,房子的方没了,就成了病尸楼,直到现在... 16、我们寝一个学妹的同学来找她聊天,学妹的同学问她说﹕总听说青蛙王子青蛙王子,为什么非是青蛙啊? 我们3当时就蒙了,学妹给她解释说,因为一个童话叫青蛙王子 同学说﹕哦,这么回事啊,那青蛙跟蟾蜍是一个东西吗? 哎,那是叫蟾蜍还是叫单于 学妹叹了口气说:单于呗,蟾蜍是古代少数民族部落首领. 当时把我们3个憋的脸都绿了 17、有次跟我一朋友去吃饭,那店里的店员很拽,翻着白眼问﹕你们吃什么? 我那朋友说你们这里有什么特色菜,店员说﹕什么都有! 我那朋友急了,说﹕那就给我弄盘西红柿炒西红柿!!! 18、一次往我爸爸单位打电话找他,因为很急,通了也没考虑,上来就喊﹕爸~你是xxx不(爸爸的名字). 结果对面笑的都说不出话拉. 19、还有一次,一个朋友问我认为历史上哪个男人最帅,我说是潘安 他很不屑的说是杨宗保 我问为什么? 他一脸得意的说﹕"你不知道,人家花木兰第一眼见了他就爱上他了呀?" 20、我个好同学黑了些,她bf又太白了些,有天宿舍里得毒舌天后突然对她冒出一句﹕"你们这样不行,你们会生出斑马来的……" 21、同一位毒舌天后,某天见到本系毕业的一位30出头风韵犹存师兄,该师兄目前最在意的就是抓住青春的尾巴,毒舌天后这回倒是诚心诚意地想夸人,谁知一开口又是﹕"好年轻的中年人啊!" 22、我一同学初次问诊可能一时紧张本来可能想问病人高寿与贵姓结果说成了﹕大爷,你……高姓?全晕病人昏绝! 23、我们学校食堂的饭分软饭和比较硬的饭.有天在食堂我前面的一男生经过认真思考之后说了一句话﹕还是吃软饭算了... 24、大学的时候上模电实验课,用示波器观察整流电路的波形,我做完了就在实验室里转悠,一个美眉拉住我说﹕"看看我的波好不好?"我立马脸红,才发现她用手指着示波器上的正弦波。 我慌乱中说﹕"你的波好是好,就是不够圆滑。"顺手就给她调了一下,谁知道一下个给弄成三角波了,美眉立马急了﹕"你陪我的波,你陪我的波……"我落荒而逃。 25、我同学的朋友,人比较呆滞,面相可能还好. 前些年去考北影给考上了,回来我们问他考啥呢?他说主考官让装白痴呢,他们都装的可象了。我们说那你咋装的,他说﹕我没装啊,我就这么走了一圈就给选上了......
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